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This Saturday will be a very special WOW meeting, as we are going to hold a blessing ritual/ceremony to bless Unity Spiritual Center - and the buildings, rooms, programs, people.
This goes right along with the messages of Abundance and Prosperity we have been studying and claiming at Unity Spiritual Center and at our WOW meeting in April.
We will meet in the CommUnity Room, as always, and will begin with socializing with each other and with the church leaders who are going to participate in the church blessing.  
Everyone present will participate in this blessing, and I promise you don't have to give a speech  but maybe you'll carry the candle, maybe you'll spray blessing spray, maybe you'll spend time in meditation and prayer in a certain space.......your choice!  We are welcoming the positive and the love and asking any negative energy to leave!  
Since we will be sharing social time with others, feel free to bring a special snack to share.  See you Saturday!  
W.O.W WOMEN'S GROUP (Women of Wisdom) regular meetings are on the 2nd Saturday of the month.
Our usual meeting time is 10:00 am - Noon at USCABQ, but occasionally we have outings and a different start time so check back here. No dues, but your love offering is welcome. If you are not on our email list, but would like to be, email   
          Contact Rita via to be added to the WOW emailing list, get the Google Meet link for online participation, or for more information. 
           Masks are encouraged but not mandatory. In most, not all  instances we will Google Meet our meeting for those who are not able to attend in person, and the link will be sent to those who are on our emailing list a few days before the meeting. If you choose to come in person, use the SOUTH door that goes directly into the CommUnity Room.